The believer that understands who they are, is walking in the right direction. In John 8 and Numbers 16 we see a lot of lessons. Lessons of understanding not only our identity, but also, understanding our legal citizenship of the kingdom. You see a person can have an identification and residence of a country, but until they yield to the process of naturalization they do not become a legal citizen. In John 8 and Numbers 16, Jesus and Moses are accused of self exaltation and narcissism simply because they understood their identity and their legal citizenship. What God says about you dear believer is true, God's voice is your highest priority. When God speaks to you clearly, other people's opinions are expendable, including your own. Though their can be ministerial lessons in these chapters, my focus today is the believer understanding and standing firm in who they are. At the end of John chapter 8, Jesus can appear to be a narcissist, depending on one's perception. Though Jesus clearly states, that he honors His father and the Father honors Him, The Pharisses still come to the conclusion that Jesus' bold claim was an attempt to bring glory to himself. The pharisees accuse Jesus of self exaltation and narcissism when He says
"...before Abrahmam was even born I am".
Some people of that day percieved Jesus was a narcissist, a self exalting & a self proclaiming blasphemer, that wanted to exalt himself higher than God. In the process of the believer maturing and understanding their idendinty & legal citizenship, their will be voices internally and possibly externally, that will attempt to rob the believer of who God says you are. Don't allow this to happen, you are who God says you are, no matter who agrees, including yourself. In John 8 the pharisees perception carried no evidence to it because Jesus had been spending a large percentage of His time exalting the Father. We see a similar thing happening in Numbers 16:3 when Korah accuses Moses and Aaron of self exaltation and narcissism. Korah says
"They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them, “You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them.Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?”
Again we see a group accusing an appointed person of God, of self exaltation and narcissism. Dear believer, God has called you to be confident in who He is, a perfect people, by His blood. Notice, Jesus or Moses made no attempt to defend themselves to others or argue with themselves about what God says. God is your defender. Walk as an executive of the Kingdom.